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How To Choose The Right Pond Pump?

A guide to help you choose the most suitable pond-pump for your purposes.

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Welcome to our pond pump and filter guide!

Through 35 years of experience, we understand that choosing the right equipment for your pond can be overwhelming, so we’re here to help you make an informed decision.

To speak to a one of our experienced in-store team, feel free to call us.

What are you using your pump for?

When it comes to choosing a pond pump, there are different types depending on what you need it for. We have broken down types of pump into 4 categories:

  • Water Circulation
  • Water Feature
  • Filtration
  • Aeration

Choose which type of pump fits your needs: 

Why Pond Pumps are Useful (...and Critical for Fish!)

Water circulation is important for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Oxygenation
    Water circulation helps to oxygenate the water by allowing the exchange of gases between the water and the surrounding atmosphere. This is crucial for aquatic life as they require oxygen to survive.

  • Nutrient Distribution
    Water circulation helps to distribute nutrients throughout a body of water, ensuring that all organisms have access to the necessary nutrients for growth and survival.

  • Temperature Regulation
    Water circulation can help regulate the temperature of a body of water by mixing warmer and cooler water, creating a more uniform temperature throughout the water column. This is important for aquatic organisms that have specific temperature requirements.

  • Waste removal
    Water circulation can help remove waste and other pollutants from a body of water by distributing it to areas where it can be filtered or processed by natural processes.

  • Preventing stagnation
    Water circulation helps to prevent stagnation in a body of water by preventing the build-up of dead organic matter, which can create an environment for harmful bacteria and other pathogens to thrive.

Overall, water circulation is critical for maintaining healthy aquatic ecosystems and supporting the diverse array of organisms that depend on them.

What are you using your pump for?

One of the most important things to consider when choosing a pond pump is the flow rate. 

This is measured in litres per hour (LPH). This refers to the amount of water that the pump can circulate in an hour. To determine the right flow rate for your pond, you need to factor in the size of your pond, as well as the number and type of fish you have.

As a general rule of thumb, a pond should have a pump that can circulate the entire volume of water at least once every hour. For example, if you have a 3500-litre pond, you’ll need a pump that can move at least 3500 LPH. However, this flow rate may need to be increased if you have fish in your pond.

Do you have fish in your pond?

Goldfish and other small fish require a flow rate of at least 950 LPH per fish, while koi fish require a flow rate of at least 1900 LPH per fish. So, if you have 5 goldfish in your 3500-liter pond, you’ll need a pump that can move at least 4750 LPH (950 LPH x 5 fish).

When it comes to waterfalls and fountain features, you’ll need to factor in the height and width of the feature. A good rule of thumb is to choose a pump that can circulate the entire volume of water in your pond once every 2 hours. For example, if you have a 3500-liter pond with a waterfall that is 0.6 meters high and 0.9 meters wide, you’ll need a pump that can move at least 7000 LPH.

We Hope This Helps!

We hope this guide has been helpful in choosing the right pump for your needs. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

To speak to a human, call us on 01256 883907

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