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Large Fountain Koi-Pond Overlooking Surrey

On a Tuesday morning, we received a phone call… 

On the phone was a family with a vision to create a stunning outdoor waterscape overlooking their countryside view.

They wanted to be able to sit and enjoy their breathtaking view of Surrey, while also being surrounded by the soothing sounds of water, the gentle rustle of leaves, and the splashing of koi-fish playing.

Bringing Visions To Life.

The conceptualisation process was a collaborative effort between DH Water Gardens and the private client. We listened to the client’s vision, preferences, and requirements to understand their desired outcome. 

After conducting a site analysis and considering environmental factors, we developed a detailed blueprint for the project that met their needs and exceeded their expectations. 

The client loved the design, which featured a wooden deck overlooking the stunning view, a 2-meter deep pond with koi-fish, and a cleverly concealed filtration system. We also included a 4-meter high fountain and strategically placed plants and accessories to enhance the water-garden’s natural beauty.

Blending Nature and Function.

The pond, which was 2 meters deep, was home to vibrant and beautiful koi-fish, and the client loved feeding them from the deck. 

To keep the water crystal clear and the koi-fish healthy, we used only the best quality OASE pumps and filters. We also cleverly concealed over 100 meters of hose to ensure that the filtration system remained hidden and unobtrusive.

The pumps were connected to a stunning 4-meter high fountain, which not only added to the aesthetic beauty of the water-garden but also served a dual purpose for filtration and aeration for the koi and aquatic life.

A New Ecosystem is Born

Throughout the 2.5 weeks it took to complete the project, we kept the client informed of the progress and updated them regularly. We were professional, friendly, and efficient throughout the process, making it a stress-free experience for the client.

Whether you’re looking for a peaceful retreat or a place to entertain guests, this project is a perfect example of what can be achieved when you work with the experts at DH Water Gardens. We always factor in sustainability, easy maintenance, and energy-efficiency.

Contact us today to bring your vision to life.

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