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Large Fountain Koi-Pond Overlooking Surrey

On a Tuesday morning, we received a phone call…  On the phone was a family with a vision to create a stunning outdoor waterscape overlooking their countryside view. They wanted to be able to sit and enjoy their breathtaking view of Surrey, while also being surrounded by the soothing sounds of water, the gentle rustle […]

Circular Elevated Fountain Pond

In the beautiful Surrey Hills countryside, DH Water Gardens had the privilege of working on an exciting project for a private client.  The client had a vision of a circular elevated fountain pond that would add to the peaceful atmosphere of their garden. DH Water Gardens gladly took on the challenge, eager to create something […]

Gazebo and Fountain Wildlife Koi-Pond Oasis

Once upon a time, in the beautiful countryside of Reading, a private client reached out to DH Water Gardens with a vision for a stunning wildlife water-garden featuring a peaceful outdoor seating area under a gazebo on a stone-based deck. The client longed for a place where they could escape from the hustle and bustle […]

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